The Lifetime of an Opportunity:
I like this quote. It’s not merely a clever play on words; it happens to be true. It also happens to be a sentiment that resonates in the Jewish story of Purim, showcasing the bravery of Queen Esther, which we Jews celebrate as a holiday this Saturday and Sunday (Monday, too, if you are reading this in Israel).
Esther, a Jewish girl who becomes queen to King Achashveirosh, learns from her uncle Mordechai of a sinister plan by Haman, the king’s advisor, to annihilate all the Jews. Mordechai convinces Esther that she is uniquely positioned to intervene and save her people. By courageously hosting a banquet for her husband and Haman, Esther reveals Haman’s plot and her Jewish identity, leading to Haman’s downfall and saving the Jews from genocide.
While Queen Esther is celebrated as a heroine, Jewish teachings highlight that it was ultimately Divine intervention that saved the people. However, Esther’s willingness to act was crucial. The teaching suggests that if Esther had not seized her opportunity, Divine providence would have found another way to deliver the Jews.
The lesson of Purim and Esther’s story is clear: when we’re presented with the chance to make a difference, we must take it. The outcomes will unfold as they may, but opportunities not seized may pass us by, only to be grasped by others.